This site is run purely as an interest site and as a place to consider how Civil Defence could operate in today's world. The author read War Plan UK by Duncan Campbell over 20 years ago and wondered what the Civil Defence landscape would look like today. A lot has changed over those 20 years including coming out of one Cold War and pretty much entering another!
Much of the research has been gleaned from sites (now linked in the Resources) and so I hope will provide an interesting point from which to continue investigations and research.
It appears that there is no central registry of where the Warning Sirens were during the Cold War. If you have written information or worked on the networks, we would love to hear from you (please don't report single instances). We could then build a map of where they were. There have been efforts to do this (see Resources), but our key interest would be a) from the Cold War and b) where remains might still exist.
If you would like to get in touch, please email [hatwebsol] [at] []